Record a high quality voice and music using the Record Audio- Voice App. with this special recorder, you can make awesome mp3 and wave sounds .
The App is easy to use, with one tape you can record personal notes, meetings, speeches, songs, ...everything, and there is no time limit .
Choosing the saving destination, the amazing design , and a lot of features . this what makes this app more interesting. and of course this is the best free recording software you can find.
Record Audio- Voice App contains a simple user interface, Hd audio recording, the app is movable to sd card , recording in the background and access to it easily....etc
This smart voice recorder can be used also to long high quality sounds, for exemple long night sleep talk and snoring, singing on guitar and musical instruments .
If you like our App or you have any resomendation or note , please feel free to send us an email , and we'll respond in the shortest time possible. Enjoy the recording !
记录使用记录音频 - 语音应用高品质的语音和音乐。这种特殊的记录,可以使真棒MP3和波的声音。
录制音频 - 语音应用包含一个简单的用户界面,高清录音,应用程序可以移动到SD卡,在后台访问它轻松记录等....